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Sol Name |
Meaning |
Namesake Flashcard |
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Soldag |
"The Sun's day" |
Sol is our sun's proper name. |
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Phodag |
"Phobos' day" |
Phobos is the larger and closer of Mars' two moons. Named after the personification of fear in Greek mythology. |
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Deidag |
"Deimos' day" |
Deimos is the other moon of Mars. Named after the personification of terror in Greek mythology. |
3 |
Hermedag |
"Mercury's day" |
Hermes is the Greek form of Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. He is the messenger to the god Zeus in Greek mythology. |
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Aphrodag |
"Venus' day" |
Aphrodite is the Greek form of Venus, the second planet from the sun. She is the goddess of love in Greek mythology. |
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Gaiadag |
"Earth's day" |
Gaia is the Greek name for mother earth, our home, and third planet from the sun. She is the mother of the Titans in Greek mythology. |
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Zeusdag |
"Jupiter's day" |
Zeus is the Greek form of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, and fifth planet from the sun. He is the king of the olympic gods in Greek mythology. |
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Kronodag |
"Saturn's day" |
Kronos is the Greek form of Saturn, sixth planet form the sun. He is a Titan in Greek mythology. |
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Urandag |
"Uranus' day" |
Uranus is the sky, and is Gaia's consort in Greek mythology. He is the father of the Titans in Greek mythology. Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. |
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Poseidag |
"Neptune's day" |
Poseidon is the Greek form of Neptune, the outermost planet in our solar system. Poseidon is the olympic god of the sea in Greek mythology. |
# |
Month Name |
Length of Month |
Northern Hemisphere Season |
Named After |
Namesake Flashcard |
Links |
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Thales |
30 Sols |
Winter |
Thales of Miletus |
One of the earliest known scientists |
More about Thales |
1 |
Bacon |
29 Sols |
Winter |
Francis Bacon |
Developed the Scientific Method |
More about Thales |
2 |
Archimedes |
29 Sols |
Winter |
Archimedes of Syracuse |
One of the greatest mathematicians of all time |
More about Archimedes |
3 |
Darwin |
29 Sols |
Winter / Spring |
Charles Darwin |
Evolution by natural selection |
More about Darwin |
4 |
Turing |
29 Sols |
Spring |
Alan Turing |
Father of computer science |
More about Turing |
5 |
Hypatia |
29 Sols |
Spring |
Hypatia of Alexandria |
First female scientist known to history |
More about Hypatia |
6 |
Noether |
29 Sols |
Spring |
Emmy Noether |
Major contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics |
More about Noether |
7 |
Galen |
29 Sols |
Spring |
Aelius Galenus |
Father of modern medicine |
More about Galen |
8 |
Kepler |
29 Sols |
Spring |
Johannes Kepler |
Developed the laws of planetary motion |
More about Kepler |
9 |
Descartes |
29 Sols |
Spring / Summer |
Rene' Descartes |
Father of modern western philosophy |
More about Descartes |
10 |
Hodgkin |
29 Sols |
Summer |
Dorothy Hodgkin |
Developed protein crystallography |
More about Hodgkin |
11 |
Lavoisier |
29 Sols |
Summer |
Antoine Lavoisier |
Father of modern chemistry |
More about Lavoisier |
12 |
Bohr |
29 Sols |
Summer |
Niels Bohr |
Major contributions to the understanding of atoms and quantum mechanics |
More about Bohr |
13 |
Elion |
29 Sols |
Summer |
Gertrude Elion |
Developed the first antiviral and immunosuppressive drugs |
More about Elion |
14 |
Wu |
29 Sols |
Summer |
Chien-Shiung Wu |
Major contributions to nuclear physics |
More about Wu |
15 |
Mendel |
29 Sols |
Summer |
Gregor Mendel |
Father of modern genetics |
More about Mendel |
16 |
Linnaeus |
29 Sols |
Summer |
Carl Linnaeus |
Naturalist. Father of binomial taxonomy |
More about Linnaeus |
17 |
Burnell |
29 Sols |
Summer / Autumn |
Jocelyn Burnell |
Discovered the first radio pulsar |
More about Burnell |
18 |
Moseley |
29 Sols |
Autumn |
Henry Moseley |
Proved the concept of atomic number and created periodic table of the elements |
More about Moseley |
19 |
Oersted |
29 Sols |
Autumn |
Hans Oersted |
Discovered electromagnetism |
More about Oersted |
20 |
Hutton |
29 Sols |
Autumn |
James Hutton |
Father of modern geology |
More about Hutton |
21 |
Laplace |
29 Sols |
Autumn |
Pierre-Simon Laplace |
Major contributions to calculus. First person to postulate the existance of black holes |
More about Laplace |
22 |
Sagan |
29 Sols (30 on leap years) |
Autumn / Winter |
Carl Sagan |
Profound science communicator. Cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, and astronomer |
More about Sagan |